
How to increase customer satisfaction for jewelry retailers?

Customer satisfaction and high loyalty are key to the success of jewelry retailers. According to statistics from the National Retail Federation, 50% of jewelry store sales come from repeat customers, and 25% of sales come from referrals.

To achieve a high level of customer satisfaction, it is crucial to work on multiple fronts such as product quality, store aesthetics, consultation quality, and more. At the same time, it is important to have an adequate number of sales staff available at all times to dedicate proper attention to each visitor. However, the staff should not be idle or unoccupied while waiting for customers, as it results in lost revenue for the company. Therefore, it is necessary to strike a balance between maximizing revenue and minimizing personnel costs.

Modern workforce management systems can forecast the required number of staff in a store. However, one challenge we have observed is the uneven arrival of visitors throughout the hour. For example, the first 45 minutes may have no visitors, but in the remaining 15 minutes, five visitors may arrive simultaneously, leaving the staff unable to dedicate sufficient time to each customer. As a result, customer satisfaction and sales decline.

Recognizing this consumer behavior pattern, our team has developed a unique forecasting model that incorporates queueing theory. This model has helped us increase the productivity of our client, a jewelry chain with 250 stores, by 7% (revenue per working hour). If you are interested in learning more about our case study, I would be happy to provide further details.
2023-04-25 21:00